Heliga resor till Peru

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För information & Resplan på svenska

För djungelmedicin retreatet

We are honored to invite you to a journey beyond words through the Inca shamanic tradition of wisdom, healing and profound personal development. Travel through the majestic canyons and meet the Andean Condor, step into ceremony in the sacred valley and the cradle of the Inca nation. Travel to the sacred temples, the dreamlike landscapes of the Q’ero nation to heal the past and to connect with the gifts of your becoming. Experience first hand the heart of the andes and live with the indigenous people of myth and legend in their villages for one week.


You will have plenty of Swedish friends to talk to but please note that the journey will be in English.


Through the mists and sacred landscapes of an ancient culture, the Q’ero Inca shamans (ie. paqos) will introduce and guide you through a healing journey of a lifetime.
Walk in apprenticeship alongside powerful medicine men and women to some of the most authentic and holiest temples in the mountains of the Andes. The Q’ero will share their most sacred traditions of healing and ceremony with you. Traditions that have been passed down through the generations of the Inca medicine people for over 5.000 years.

You now have the unique opportunity to train with the Paqo’s one on one in communion and in ceremony at the top of the world.

An Ancient people and sacred teachings hidden beyond the mountains

After the fall of the Inca empire more than 500 years ago there was a group of Inca people that fled into the mountains of the Andes to safeguard their ancient tradition of wisdom, healing and ceremony. They were isolated at 5000 meters high for 500 years and became the myth of native Incan descendants that disappeared during the siege of the Inca Empire by Spanish conquistadors.
Around 30 years ago these people, named Q’ero, listened to their ancient prophecies of the changes in the earth and the changes of growth within the western people. For the first time in 500 years they started to walk down from the mountains to be in service for their people in the cities and for the world once again.

Now you have the unique opportunity to follow us on a journey throughout the dreamlike landscapes of Peru. Follow us on a journey up to these remote villages of myth and legend. Meet the simplicity and purity of the indigenous people of the Andes. Partake in their way of living in sacred reciprocity with the universe and mother earth as my native friends and families welcomes us into their community. At this sacred place we partake in their ancient prophecies that have been withheld from the modern world since the fall of their ancient society.

Get a life changing experience connecting with places of beauty, power and sacred wisdom. Powerfully re-connect with Mother Earth as you travel ancient tamples of the Inca empire, the native people and sacred sights. Find yourself in the cradle of the lost empire and the sacred valley. Embark upon a spectacular and beyond imagination voyage through some of the most beautiful sights of Peru.

To get your itinerary in English please contact us at hello@qeromedicine.com

Join us for a journey of a lifetime!

You can also continue your journey with our jungle medicine retreat june 7 – 12 or just join us for that. Please contact us for more info in English at hello@qeromedicine.com

För information & Resplan på svenska

För djungelmedicin retreatet


18.05.2025: ARRIVAL IN LIMA

You arrive at Lima Airport (El Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez), Peru. Here you change flights and fly directly to the ”white city” – Arequipa. You arrive in the evening and are welcomed by Victor and Karina.

*We also recommend that you can arrive in Arequipa a few days before the trip starts, to acclimatize and enjoy before the trip of a lifetime begins. If you do, you can contact Karina for assistance with booking your hotel.

Hotel: Hotel in Arequipa: Included
Meals: Not included
Flights: International flights to Lima: Not included
Flight: Lima to Arequipa: Not included

19.05.2025: DAY ONE

Arequpia is called the White City because of the white volcanic stones used to build the old buildings and great cathedral in the center of the city. The journey begins here so that we can acclimatize at the starting altitude of 2, 200m.

We will have a leisure breakfast and a calm morning to rest and relax in this beautiful city.
Today is a day of acclimatizing to the energy and the altitude of 2.200 meters in our old and authentic Hotel called: La Casa de Melgar. After a nice breakfast, you can choose to relax in its gardens or to walk around through the markets feeling the Peruvian pulse. The white city is famous for its gems and precious stones and today is a day of rest, a day of preparing physically and mentally for the journey to come.

During the afternoon, we will have a ceremonial gathering with our shaman guides and we will discuss details about the healing journey that awaits us. Victor together with the Paqos will share about the mesa, the sacred and traditional medicine bundle of powerobjects that we are going to create during our journey. The paqos invites us to a Samin Chaqui ceremony of connecting with the coming journey and with each other as a group. To share rays of light from all the sacred spirits around us holding us, preparing us for the sacred journey that we have in front of us. This ceremony will help us to create a deep bond together as a group. We will share and step into this journey through consciousness, stillness, laughter and reciprocity.

The rest of the day is free to rest and get used to the altitude, as well as see and experience the beauty of the White City.

Hotel: La Casa De Melgar Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included

20.05.2025: DAY TWO
Arequipa – the white city & our opening Despacho cermony

Today is also a free day for exploring this calm and beautiful city. Maybe you want to visit the market and the famous cathedral of Aequipa. Also, an option is to see the old and famous monastery not far from our hotel.

In the afternoon we will meet again in our hotels beautiful garden to step into another powerful ceremony. The Q’ero shamans will guide us through their very famous and powerful Despacho ceremony. A ceremony of setting our intent and cocreatinglife in sacred reciprocity. To open ourselves for this powerful and beautiful journey that are ahead of us.

The rest of the day is free to rest and get used to the altitude, as well as see and experience the beauty of the White City.


Hotel: La Casa De Melgar: Included
Meals: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included


21.05.2025: DAY THREE
Arequipa to Colca Canyon – A sacred journey of healing and ceremony begins

This is the day that marks the beginning of our journey in the sacred lands. We start the day with a nice breakfast and then we will leave for Colca Canyon with our private bus that takes us directly to our beautiful and 5 star hotel, Colca Lodge.

The journey takes around 3 hours and while there we can continue to acclimatize to the altitude further, walk around and enjoy a delicious lunch.
During the afternoon, you will be guided down to the Colca river of the valley, to a place where we will create an opening ceremony, which marks the beginning of the journey. This journey is a personal and deep healing process and it is important to receive a cleansing of your physical, emotional and spiritual body before we start that journey. The Paqos give you a cleansing to help you to let go of the heavy energy that you may have brought with you from your home, your past, relationships, belief systems or everyday life.

The Paqos will help you to release the blockages that are holding you back from fully
stepping into the possibilities of this journey and your future.
We will create a despacho ceremony, gather around an open fire where the Paqos guide us into their ancient traditions – a ceremony where we meet and connecting together around the fire like mankind has done since the beginning of time.

Later we will go to dinner and spend time relaxing in the hot springs, next to the lodge. The luxurious Colca Lodge is well known for their delicious meals and the healing hot springs. Watching the whole Andean cosmovision and the stars of the southern hemisphere shining brightly, stretching out like an umbrella of star nations.

Hotel: Hotel Colca lodge: Included
Hot springs: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation from Arequipa to Colca Lodge and guide: Included

22.05.2025: Day four
Colca logde – Colca Canyon and the Cruz del Condor – Opening up our hearts with the condor

After an early breakfast, we leave our hotel to drive into the extraordinary Colca Canyon, which is, in some places, twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. We continue with our acclimatization to the altitude as we drive over mountain passes with tremendous views. The altitude from Colca Canyon is: 3.800m. We drive through the heart of the valley to the rim of the canyon and the realm of the magnificent Andean Condor.
Bird-watchers and photographers from all over the world come here to see the canyon’s many rare and distinctive winged ones, including Andean Condors, whose wingspans may be more than 3m from tip to tip. Victor, Karina and the Paqos your guides know a lot about the condors and their habits, nature, the stars and we like to share our knowledge about all these things. Inca and Pre-inca terraces cover the mountainsides, supporting agricultural fields that for hundreds of years have been farmed by local men and women, still wearing traditional, beautifully embroidered clothing and distinctive hats that identify their villages.
For these 2 days we will be based in Colca Valley at a beautiful lodge overlooking the Colca River and we will participate in a wonderful Condor Ceremony with our Q’ero teachers. Connecting with the energy of the place and with Condor’s energy, seeking vision and clarity in our lives. The opportunity to work with Condor through our Despacho, offers intimate communion in a very special place – and a chance to stretch from the deepest places of the earth to the highest expanses of the sky, and beyond.
In the late afternoon, there will be time to relax, walk to ancestral terraces, searching for beautiful stones and minerals like the black obsidian, and visit nearby ancient ruins. Indulge in the natural hot springs by the river, as you gaze up into the unfamiliar night skies of the Southern Hemisphere – where the Southern Cross, Eyes of the Llama, and other constellations seem close enough to touch.

Hotel: Hotel Colca Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and guides: Included

23.05.2025: DAY FIVE
Colca lodge – Lake Titikaka – The source of the Incas and the ancestors of old 

We start the morning with a nice breakfast before we will leave for the sacred ruins of Uyu Uyu located underneath the holy mountain Apu Mismi. These ancient ruins are very close to our hotel and in the morning, we will start hiking towards them. Here we will connect with this sacred mountain to open the seeds within us of possibilities, blessed by an open heart and the Condor. To consciously envision the gifts of our destiny and to bring the gifts of our soul into reality.
Well back at the lodge we will prepare to leave with our personal transportation with the direction towards Puno and the highest lake on top of the world: Lake Titikaka and the birthplace of the Inca empire.
The rest of the evening is free to explore the streets of Puno city.

Hotel: Hotel Conde de Lemos, Puno: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and guides: Included

24.05.2025: DAY SIX
Puno – The floating islands and the island of love; Amantani – Sacred waters on top of the world

We rise early in the morning and after our breakfast we take our personal boat, passing the famous floating islands of Uros. A place where people have lived in the middle of the lake since before the Inca time. We will see these beautiful islands of straw, floating on lake Titicaca’s water.

Overlooking the great mountain Apu Illimani we will go even further out on the lake to explore the mythical tale of the first Incas who transcended into two famous islands here. Together they created the foundation of the Incan empire. One sacred Inca (Manko Kapaq) and one sacred Nusta goddess (Mama Occleo). We’ll go to the island Amantani where we will visit a sacred temple on top of the island’s mountain, connected and dedicated to Pachamama and Pachatata. Here we will step into ceremony overlooking the magnificent lake connecting with the center of the earth. With the balance of duality, we melt together with our collective mother, our planet – the earth. This being human is an extraordinary experience of being alive. We are the most evolved being on earth and here we will connect with our true nature and claim the journey as who we truly are.

At the top of this Island under the stars, while overlooking what seems to be an ocean at the top of the world; you will receive your spiritual name. An initiation ceremony connected to the temples here and the power of the mountain spirit Illimani. A name, given to you by the Q´ero paqo’s themselves who will name the energy of your soul’s mission on earth.
Your spiritual name connects with your soul’s medicine and sacred path on earth. Your medicine will truly be blessed and empowered by the spirit of this sacred mountain. From this day forward, it’s also working as kind of a godfather to you and your medicine.

In the evening, we are invited to join and to share space with the families living here and well stay here for one night in their homes connecting with this sacred island.

Hotel: Live with the native families of Amantani island: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Transportation to the islands and guides: Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included

25.05.2025: DAY SEVEN
Puno – A mythic place and the portal of dimensions

In the morning, we leave the island by boat to go back to Puno. During the journey our Q’ero mentors will share deeper information about our spiritual names and why we received it. This will create a deeper understanding and relationship to the energy and medicine of your name. When we are back in Puno it’s time for lunch and some rest.

Some hours later we will follow the road towards Bolivia to visit an ancient temple close to the lake. This is a very special and magical temple older then we can date back to a known civilisation in the aria. Its known as the portal of Amaru Muru, Amara Mara and is a doorway carved into a mountain hill of stone. This temple is connected to the ancestors, Atlantis, Lemuria and is said to be a portal to other dimensions. Here you will meet, feel or see through a direct link to your spirit guides. It’s an amazing place. This is also a temple connected to the feminine power of the Andean tradition; the Nustas.

It’s a very empowering place which is downloading lots of information to you. It’s for the balance of female and male, dark and light, new and old, for the healing in yourself and what you are bringing and giving to the world. It is a beautiful, special and important experience and connection with this spiritual place and Lake Titicaca.

After spending time here at this mythical temple, we go back to Puno city with a free evening here to integrate the day.

Hotel: Hotel Conde de Lemos, Puno: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Included
Meals: Breakfast is included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Transportation and guides: Included

26.05.2025: DAY EIGHT
The temple of creation and the Sacred Valley

After breakfast we will prepare to leave with our private bus. We start an approximately 8-hour journey towards the capital of the Inca empire and the Sacred Valley. It’s a beautiful journey where you will see how nature and the surrounding is shifting into many shapes and forms through varies landscapes.

We will make som nice stops for coffee and also visit a really nice restaurant with traditional buffee where the food is famous for being cooked from scratch with organic ingredients.

During our journey we will make a stop at the Temple of Creation, Wiracocha in Raqchi.
At this powerful and sacred sight, we will connect through ceremony with all of creation. Through a ceremonial meditation the paqos will give us a blessing at this sight, to connect the universe to our inner being. To awaken creation within ourselves and to connect with our spiritual name, our personal medicine and gifts. It’s a journey of self-revelation and to understand our dreams, also our gift to the world and why we came to earth this time.

After some integration and meditation, we will continue our journey by bus to the sacred valley and Karina’s own hotel and lodge in Ollantaytambo. The rest of the day is free for integration, exploring the aria or just to rest in cosy rooms, listening to the vibrations of the river outside.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Included
Meals: Breakfast is included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Transportation and guides: Included


27.05.2025: DAY NINE
Illiari Chaska Lodge – Free day in a lush paradise and lodge

We will start this day with a nice breakfast and a slow morning. We will start with a sharing, uniting as a group, before you have some options for this free day. What you will do all depends on your feeling of what you need this day. Here we are staying close to nature in a blessed valley. It’s a beautiful place next to the sacred river: Riti Mayo. It’s water comes from the sacred mountain Apu Waqaywillka/ Veronica; The mountain of sacred tears.

Today you may want to schedule an individual session with the Paqo’s, take a taxi to the village of Ollantaytambo or just rest in this beautiful place.

In the afternoon Victor will guide you through the Inca meditation with deeper connections. You will have a sweet and calm evening, integrating the deep experience of this journey so far.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not included
Personal healings, initiations, readings with the Paqos: Not Included
Transportation and guides: Not Included

28.05.2025: DAY TEN
Ollantaytambo and a stunning view of the sacred mountains

We start the day with a nice breakfast at Illiari Chaska lodge before our bus will take us through the sacred valley and up to place called Puca Orco. This small mountain gives us the access to overlook more then 6 sacred mountains of the aria. Here you will wee and connect with these sacred mountain spirits and especially the mountain Apu Mama Simona. Here you will receive your 3d Nusta Karpay initiation in connection to Mama Simona Nusta. During this ceremony you will also receive a Nusta lineage stone, connecting you to the lineage of Nustas who are or have walked this tradition before us. A spiritual family.

Our private bus will then take us directly to another beautiful city ornament and the temples of Ollantaytambo. As we arrive at this site you will connect to an incredible landscape and to the energy of the Inca culture. This ancient city and the temple ground remind us of a magnificent culture and its sacred medicine that the Q’ero Paqos are now sharing with us.

Together with the Paqos we will step into ceremony within the temple of the Condor, connecting with the power of the highest vibrant bird in the Andean tradition. Here we will connect with its energy to open our hearts and to bring ourselves into balance. We will also hike the ruins to the Temple of the wind, where we will connect as a group through a ceremony of cleansing our communication, lungs and connect with our own truth. This will bring us together and help us to walk as one, in security and honesty as an Ayllu; a community.

After our ceremony we will go for lunch in Ollantaytambo and the rest of the afternoon is free.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and guides: Not Included

29.05.2025: DAY ELEVEN
Mauka W’aka – An ancient temple carved in stone & Nusta of the heart

We start the day with a nice breakfast at Illiari Chaska lodge before we will leave to the sacred ruins of Mauka Wa´ka or Mauka Ingles. Our private bus will pick us up and take us directly to this ancient temple. This temple is rarely visited by tourists and holds a very powerful and mystical energy. The local shamans come here to do ceremony especially in connection to the 24th of June and the festival of Inti Raymi. It’s a temple connected to the ancestors, to the Chakana (Inca cross) and the four directions. Also connecting with the 3 main worlds we work with; upper world: Hanaq Pacha (future and superconscious), middle world: Kay Pacha (present and conscious), lower world: Uku Pacha (past and subconscious).

This temple holds a perfect energy connecting with the balance of the masculine and the feminine. They work with the sun (Inti) here as well as the priestesses, goddesses (Nustas).
Here we will work with the Nusta of the heart and love: Donia Theresa. We will create a powerful Despacho ceremony in connection to the heart and connect with the sacred altar of this sacred sight. The paqos will then use this living prayer to initiate you with donia theresas energy and to kickstart a new journey in connection to your heart and love.

After our ceremony we will go for lunch and explore the town of Pisac. Here you can go shopping at the famous market in the centre of this old city. There are plenty of shops selling incredible handcrafted items, such as ponchos or Incan textiles. There are also shops selling shamanic or antique tools for your healing work and for your mesa (medicine bundle).

In the afternoon or after dinner, we will go back to Carinas wonderful centre just outside the village of Ollantaytambo. Back at Karina’s center you will have a sweet and calm evening, integrating the deep experience of this journey so far.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Ceremony and teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and guides: Included


30.05.2025: Day twelve
Ollantaytambo – Aguas Kallientes – Machu Picchu – A Sanctuary in the Sky

This will be a special day that you have been waiting for! Early in the morning, we will travel from Ollantaytambo where we will take the train through the jungle to Aguas Calientes near Machu Picchu.

We enter the crystal city of magic, mystery and myths as we walk through the gates of one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We follow the Incan built staircase through the ruins of this sanctuary in the sky to the temple of the earth. Through meditation we allow a new connection to a new and deep beginning within our soul. We will connect to the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, its temples and holy mountains around us. After a guided tour through the ceremonial complex, there will be hours of free time in the noon to explore this amazing citadel in the sky through meditation. Here you will connect with the mountain Machu Picchu that is the mountain of love and also deeply connected to the ancestors. Machu Picchu is a place to reencounter yourself. Here we connect with whom we truly are within ourselves, stepping out of what we have learned about ourselves.

In the afternoon, we will meet at Agua Calientes for dinner. Afterwards, we will take the train back to our hotel Illiari Chaska Lodge.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Train tickets and tickets to Machu Picchu: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not Included
Transportation from train station and guides: Included

31.05.2025: DAY THIRTEEN
Free day in Cusco

Today after breakfast we will leave Ollanta and travel to Cusco, the ancient and famous capital of the Incas. When we arrive you will check into your room and the rest of the day is free: you may want to schedule an individual session with the Paqo’s, (at your hotel or in a sacred place), explore the historic city, or go shopping in the indigenous marketplaces, the real shamanmarket or elegant shops. Maybe you want to take an afternoon tour in the area. This may interest those who are visiting Cusco for the first time and those who want to reconnect with sacred places they have visited before. If you prefer to wander on your own, Cusco is a wonderful city to explore, with many sights within easy walking distance or an inexpensive taxi ride. For example, your hotel is a short walk from the famous Qorikancha (“Enclosure of Gold”) of the Inkas. From the centre of this temple complex, the ceque lines of energy still radiate outward, connecting sacred sites all around the empire and far beyond.
Also, you can prepare for the coming days of camping high up in the mountains.

Hotel: Anahuarque Hotel Cusco: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner: Not included
Personal healings, initiations, readings with the Paqos: Not Included
Transportation and guides: Not Included

01.06.2025: DAY FOURTEEN
Cusco – Pilgrimage to Apu Huamanlipa and the Q´ero nation

Early in the morning, we will leave by bus to travel up the mountains towards the holy mountains Ausangate and Colloriti. During our journey, you will pass steep mountains and slopes with green agricultural fields and terraces. You will see many little villages with shepherds guiding their herds of lamas and alpacas and experience firsthand how the indigenous people live in the mountains.
Our professional guide will tell about the life and traditions of the local people, as well as the features and landscapes you are visiting. If you wish to ride a horse up the mountains during the journey it is possible, upon request.

We will follow the road out into open landscape, and wild rivers, further away from civilisation until as far as the road goes. Where the road ends we will begin an awe-inspiring pilgrimage up the hills. Soon the sight of the holy mountain Huamanlipa will appear. White crystals-like stones will start to fill the ground as we ascend this powerful mountain, which is the protector of the Q´ero nation. When you arrive at the foot of Huamanlipa, it is time for a nice dinner and to relax your body and spirit.
During nighttime, we will be camping below the majestic Mountain. Sleeping close to the ground will intensify your connection to Mother Earth (Pachamama) and Huamanlipa and will maximize your experience of its holy nature. We will be camping at 4,600 meters above sea level to strongly connect with this mountain and landscape on a deep level. The paqos’ presence there with us will further deepen and help to support and guide our experience. They will also share their wisdom and stories with us about this unique place.

Accommodations: Camping in tents: Included. Mattress is included, but you may also bring your own.
Sleeping bag: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast in hotel, lunch and dinner in the mountains: Included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and Guide: Included
Horses: Horses are Not included and cost around $12 a day. If you choose to have a horse you are required to pay for him/her for 8 days in the mountains.

02.06.2025: DAY FIFTEEN
Apu Huamanlipa, Q’ero Nustas & Collpa Cuchu
– Working with Maria Skapana Nusta & receiving the great initiation of new beginnings

After breakfast we will do a morning meditation and meet our paqos to create a ceremonial prayer offering in connection to us and the spirit of the mountain. We will be guided closer up this mountain to burn the offering, which will lift our prayers up to its snowcapped crown, connected to the universe.

Here we will meet the Nusta Maria Sakapana and her powerful healing. The mother of the windaswell as the local nusta Mama Rosa. You will undergo a powerful healing and cleansing in connection to this Nusta.

After the deep healing our paqos invite us to ceremony and to open a space for us where they will transmit the Mosoq Karpay, the great initiation of the power from this mountain. A very high frequency will fill our energy field and power centers and lift our imprints into a high vibration. This dissolves them and connects us to the true essence of our being.

During this ceremony you continue to work with your spiritual name and connect with your soul’s medicine and sacred path on earth. Your medicine will be blessed and empowered by the spirit of this sacred mountain.
In the afternoon we will start our journey, following the mountainside of the sacred Apu Huamanlipa. We will walk through ancient pathways of Incan time towards the high pass and gates of mists seeing the local people`s alpacas and llamas in the steep hills. The journey will then take us to lower elevation, seeing how Mother Nature shifts as we are coming closer to our first village of the Q´ero nation – Qollpa Cuchu. Soon we will see fields of potatoes and through the mists, appear the straw-roof built houses of the Q´ero.

When we come into this small village we will be guided to our shaman Juans home to establish our camp close to the small spring of glacier water.
Here you will meet Juans family, his children and relatives as they come to greet us. We will see how these people live so close together as a community and in a deep relationship with the nature; helping, sharing, laughing and loving.
This day is a day of calmness, of acclimatising and to walk through this landscape, connecting with mother nature and a life beyond the modern society. A place to come home to the indigenous people’s open hearts and to await the stars to fill the sky.
Tonight, we will gather with Juans village and family as they share the stories of their ancestors of an ancient time.

Accommodations: Camping in tents: Included
Mattress: Included
Sleeping bags: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast in hotel, lunch and dinner in the mountains: Included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Horsemen and Guide: Included

03.06.2025: DAY SIXTEEN
Collpa Cuchu – The path of the shaman, the source and sacred places of power

The path of the shaman is to live in harmony with the universe and its creation. These people believe that all of creation is alive and that there is no separation of the creator and the creation. It’s the same, all is one and all is spirit. All life on earth is a drop of light and together we create an ocean and a network of living energy that we can access, by our connection to our own soul.
The path of the shaman is to have a balanced relationship with all living beings and souls around us. To walk with one foot in this world of form and the other in the world of spirit. It’s to be a keeper of harmony and life and to feed that connection of love, respect and beauty. Our purpose is to listen to and feed the spirits of the earth, the rivers, the mountains, the sun etc with prayers and by our being. To walk as one with all of creation.

We will connect with this untouched place located far away from cities. A place merely touched by humans and where the energy is very pure and unprovoked. Therefore, we will work with how to connect and to listen to the spirits of this land: In the earth, the river and the mountains around us. Our Q´ero mentors will guide us to a very sacred place of power. It’s a great waterfall where we will step into ceremony and learn how to work and heal with spirits of nature and with our mesa (the ancient medicinebundle, altar of the andes) This sacred place is known for the power of the lightbeings who dwells in this waterfall. The thundering sound of the water will vibrate through us and bless us with the source of the glaciers and the high montains.

At this sacred and ancestral sight you will receive the next Nusta Karpay rite of Nusta Huana Huaman Ticcla. She is the goddess of vision, dreams, clarity and foresight.

In the evening we will gather the children of this village to create a prayer ceremony together for their future, for maintaining their traditions and to support them on their path. At the same time this ceremony will help you to dive deep into the connection of the child within yourself and the purity of your soul. The children will show us their medicine by touching our hearts with their innocence, laughter and authenticity.

Accommodations: Camping in tents: Included
Mattress: Included
Sleeping bags: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast in hotel, lunch and dinner in the mountains: Included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Horsemen and Guide: Included

04.06.2025: DAY SEVENTEEN
Qollpa Cuchu – Hatun Q´eros – The source of ancient stories, myths and legends

Today we will gather our things and start a four-five hour hike to the capital of the Qéro nation. A mythical place where these people were found 65 years ago. A hidden and safe sanctuary for all the villages of indigenous people in these valleys. It is located at the slopes of a small mountain overlooking the pass towards the jungle. Here you will find the heart of the sacred and ancient stories of the people who fled during the siege of the Inca Empire. Here they maintained their ancient stories, myths and legends. Here they held their prophecies hidden from the world waiting for the new time, a new sunrise to touch the people of the west. Here we are today, touched by the rays of the sun and touched by our soul calling us on journey. A journey of finding our soul’s mission in this life.

Today is a free day for you to walk through the village and to connect with this place. In the evening we will gather to create a despacho for the connection to the ancestors and lineage guiding us from a place not bound by time. To connect with this ancient place and to give a beautiful and powerful offering to this sacred site for all the work we will go through and for all the powerful support, insights and gifts you will receive here.

Accommodations: Camping in tents: Included
Mattress: Included
Sleeping bags: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast in hotel, lunch and dinner in the mountains: Included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Horsemen and Guide: Included

05.06.2025: DAY EIGHTEEN
Hatun Q´eros – The capitAl of the Q´ero nation

Today after breakfast we will walk through the village and the Paqos will tell us about this place and the stories of the ancestors and the pilgrimage they did to escape the Spaniards. Stories of how their ancestors held the conquistadors away with the power of nature supporting their powerful priests.

We will then hike down the old path of ancestors to a very sacred and highly vibrant place. This is the waterfall of Lachihuana Nusta. A very powerful sight where we will create ceremony. Here you will receive the last of the Nusta Karpays Tomasa Huaman Ticcla Nusta. The nusta of freedom. Also in connection to the 2 nustas that liveshere inside the waterfall.

In the afternoon we will hike up the hill overlooking the village, passing the old temple ground and go to a sacred foundation of a stone circle. At this place you will receive a blessing and initiation in the ceremonial circle. An initiation connecting you to the lineage of ancestors. Then we will burn our mandalas through ceremony to lift our prayers up to spirit.

During the initiation you will also receive a lineage stone from this place. A unique stone linked to the powerful ancestors who lived here at this place, who fled the capitol during the fall of the empire to maintain the ancient knowledge, wisdom and ceremonies. To safeguard a universal tradition given to them by their ancestors from beyond the earth.

Accommodations: Camping in tents: Included
Mattress: Included
Sleeping bags: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast in hotel, lunch and dinner in the mountains: Included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Horsemen and Guide: Included

06.06.2025: DAY NINETEEN
Hatun Q´eros – Chua Chua – Cusco

After a late breakfast, the horsemen will pack our belongings and tents and we will continue our journey through the mountains. Passing more villages of the Q´ero nation. We will walk through the valley where the ancient priest protected the Q´ero nation and used the power of nature to stop the Spannish conquistadors who followed them to find their sanctuary. Here the last of the conquistadors died as the lighting struck the mountain and brought a river of stones over them.

We are heading for Chua Chua village; birthplace and home to one of the most renowned and powerful Paqos who lived in modern time; Don Manuel Quispe. One of Alberto Villoldos and Karina Davalos Conchas old mentors. We will stop to createa ceremony in connection to a sacred nusta here connected to Apu Pukuni Nusta. Here we will receive connections and blessings in connection to this powerful nusta. Halfways to Chua Chua village ourbus will be able to pick us up and drive us back to Cusco. We will be back at our hotel during night time.

The day after is a free day of rest and to enjoy the luxury of a hotel bed, a warm shower and tap water.

Hotel: Tupac Yupanqui Cusco: Included
Meals: Breakfast and lunch included, Dinner: Not included
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and Guides: Included

07.06.2025: DAY Twenty
Cusco – Free day in Cusco

Today is a free day after one week in the mountains. A day of rest, integration and personal time. Maybe you want to continue your personal work of healings and initiations with the Q´ero paqos or do some shopping in this ancient city of the Incas.

Hotel: Tupac Yupanqui Cusco: Included
Tickets into sacred sights this day: Not Included
Meals: Breakfast included, Lunch and Dinner: Not included
Personal healings, initiations, readings with the Paqos: Not Included
Transportation and Guides: Not Included

08.06.2025: DAY Twentyone
Cusco – Quillarumiyoq – Baptising into new beginnings at the ancient and sacred altar of the Moon

After breakfast, we leave our hotel and drive towards Quillarumiyoq.
Overlooking sacred landscapes, our teachers, the Paqos will guide us through a beautiful ceremony to work with this ancient and mysterious temple. It’s a perfectly carved stone monument, rarely visited by tourists. It is said to be a pre-Inca culture temple, made in connection to Atlantis and to the universe. We will connect to the recurring moon calendar and the power of this place to bring clarity, strength and freedom into our being.
This day is a day of wisdom and healing.

The Paqos will share another traditional and holy ceremony. You will be traditionally baptized with your spiritual name, sacred medicine and be reborn in holy water through ceremony. Here we will shed the last of our lifelessness that may stalk you in life, so that you now can claim your life. You will reach towards the energy of the future and then be initiated to walk from this new place in stability. This marks a new birth of life and creates a new journey in your life.

In this ceremony we will connect with all of the nustas we have connected and worked with during the journey. It all started with Mama Occlo Nusta and the island of the moon. We bring all the energy together by embodying the journey here at the temple of the moon.

After this powerful ceremony, there will be time for each person to meditate at this sacred site for further connection and contemplation with our inner selves.
This helps you to enable the connection with your own truth, and to share that truth to everyone that you will meet. This is the deepest secret of yourself, which you can never explain to anyone else. This is the truth of who you truly are; a place that can never be told, but that can be felt and expressed by heart.

In the evening, we will share our soul moments of the journey at a farewell dinner to celebrate the completion of our transformative journey together. There is no goodbye,
Tupananchiskama; until we meet again, as the paqos always say.

Hotel: Anahuarque Hotel Cusco: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, Lunch and Dinner: Not included.
Ceremony and Teachings with the Paqos: Included
Transportation and Guides: Included

09.06.2025: DAY Twentytwo
Cusco – Flight from Cusco to Lima to your home country or stay for the Plant Medicine Retreat: 7 – 12th of June.  

You can work with Paqo’s on days off. You can have a coca reading, a healing session, initiation or something else. This can be at the hotel or going to a beautiful holy place. For this you will have plenty of time to talk with Victor and Karina during the trip.

Healing: $120
Healing & Reading: $210
Reading: $120
Initiation: $210

You can work with Paqo’s on days off. You can have a coca reading, a healing session, initiation or something else. This can be at the hotel or going to a beautiful holy place. For this you will have plenty of time to talk with Victor and Karina during the trip.

Healing: $120
Healing & Reading: $210
Reading: $120
Initiation: $210

THIS is INCLUDED in this sacred journey:

• Hotel (double room), including breakfast (add $750 USD for a single room).
• Camping equipment: mattress and tent.
• All entrance fees to the sacred sites we visit from the program above.
• Private transport / bus / train tickets to Machu Picchu.
• Tour leaders, guides & translators.
• Meals (as described in the itinerary).
• Ceremonies with two Paqos, throughout the trip (depending on the number of participants).
• Food and accommodation for the journey in the mountains.
• (Emergency) oxygen tank for the trip in the mountains.
• Our own doctor during our trip in the mountains.
• Healing ceremonies and initiations (as described in the itinerary).
• Lectures and wisdom shared during the journey.
• Horses and horsemen to carry all camping equipment.


• Flights from your home country to Lima and from Lima to your home country.
• Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Arequipa & Cusco to Lima).
• Personal horse during our mountain trip (4 days) $40 per day.
• Additional meals (lunch, dinner), as above.
• Supplement in a single room: $750 USD extra.
• Individual healings or initiations with paqos (on request).
• Flashlights.
• Travel insurance (including health insurance).
• Swimwear.
• Vaccinations (if you want or are advised to take them).
• Sleeping bag.
• Money to tip. Many peruvians live on getting tip so everyone goes out of their way to make your stay a magical and comfortable experience. In the past this has been collected at the end of the trip but THIS TIME: Bring $440 dollars extra for tip an give to Karina in the first few days: this includes tip for bus and boat drivers, local guides, tour guides, hotel receptionists, porters, sacred sights and their guards, etc. – giving tip for that kind of service is common in Peru and for the first time we’re doing it for you. However, remember if you do your own thing on your days off that, as explained, it is common to tip here and something many people live on.


• Victor Forselius (Sweden) – Contact: Hello@Qeromedicine.com
• Paqos from the Q’ero villages.
• Karina Davalos Concha (Peru) Spiritofthecondor@hotmail.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts), Victor, Karina and the Paqo´s.

Total cost of the trip: $ 4440 USD

A deposit of $ 2000 dollars guarantees your spot (non-refundable). Registration deadline: May 1 2024. When you register, you will receive a form with all the exact information on how to pay and more information on the practicalities of your stay in Peru.

Tip: You can also visit a travel agency and let them help you book your ticket directly from the place you’re coming from to where you’re going. (e.g. Stockholm-Lima, Lima-Cuzco and Lima-Arequipa). We recommend that you book the ticket from your country to Lima as one ticket (eg KLM) and that you book domestic flights separately (eg Latam). If you book via KLM directly from Stockholm to Cusco (which is possible), you cannot make changes to your ticket later, if necessary. For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: Hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Please note

* Although the journey is carefully anchored in an energetic ”template” as well as in detailed practical advance planning, this itinerary remains ”moldable to reality.” It is the nature of pilgrimage and apprenticeship that some things can change at the last minute. In our experience, the few changes that occurred on our previous trips often opened the door to unforeseen (and usually wonderful) opportunities. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and willingness to adapt, to take advantage of the ever-changing opportunities available in a fluid shamanic universe!
* For the individual healing or initiation sessions with paqos, make a reservation during the trip with Victor while in Peru. All of you will be able to work personally with the shamans.
* If you want to arrive earlier or stay longer please let us know in time. Karina can make extra reservations at the hotel you choose.
** It is not allowed to drink alcohol during the ceremony days and initiations, only on your free time! This is for your own and the group’s safety.
** We live and indeed have lived in transformative times. Covid19 shook the world and we are grateful that the restrictions are gone. Peru has been greatly affected by this. Vaccinated or not, you are most welcome to join us on this journey through the magical landscape of the Andes. You do not need to be vaccinated to come with us to the homeland of the tradition – Peru.

useful websites

KLM Airlines – Flyg från ditt hemland till Lima & Lima till hemlandet.
Latam Airlines – Inrikesflyg inom Peru (Lima till Cusco; Cusco till Lima)
Avianca Airlines – Inrikesflyg inom Peru (Lima till Cusco; Cusco till Lima)
Lima Airport Hotel – Lima Airport Hotel.
Google Maps – Användbart för att kartlägga din resa.

For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts)
Victor, Karina and Paqo’s.

Inget evenemang hittades!
Inget evenemang hittades!




option 1

There are two options to participate in this jungle medicine trip and retreat. This can be an extra trip added to the program after you have followed Victor’s journey through the Andes Mountains, Lake Titicaca, The Sacred Valley with the indigenous Q’eros. If so, you will go to Illiari Chaska Lodge with Victor Forselius from Cusco with the rest of the group on June 6th at 5 pm.

option 2

The second option is if you have not participated in the trip. In this case, you plan to arrive in Lima on June 5th and then arrive in Cusco in the evening. Here, Karina can help you book a nice hotel where the rest of the group is staying (in central Cusco) for only $ 60. On the 6th you have a free day in Cusco to acclimatize and rest. We then leave Cusco together at 5 pm to go to Carina’s wonderful center just outside the village of Ollantaytambo. Close to nature in a fantastic valley, we stop by the river and listen to the water flowing past us. This water comes from the sacred mountain Apu Whalkay Whilka/Veronica; The Mountain of Holy Tears.

We are honoured to invite you to a magical journey through the wisdom of another lineage of medicine women and men who fled the seage of the empire. Another family of this tradition who found their rest in the deep rainforests of the Amazon. Allow the knowledge of how to travel through the worlds and your inner dimensions to expand beyond visions of reality. Allow your souls eye and sensitivity in contact with the invisible dimensions of spirit to become a first-hand experience. Be able to experience a world of magic without the filters of reality.


You will have plenty of Swedish friends to talk to but please note that the journey will be in English.


Through the beautiful landscapes at the foothills of the sacred mountain Whalkaywhilka, the Ayahuasqeros (ie. Jungle shamans) will introduce and guide you through a healing journey in between the worlds.
Carina Davalos Concha have created a sacred paradise, an Eden for native people and ancient ceremony. The Illiari Chaska Wasi center is the house of Mercury. A very sacred star of illumination and new beginnings for the native people of the Andes. Held by the sacred waters of the snow caped mountain Veronica we will walk through the gardens of Eden, the paradise that we never left. Through jungle medicine we will connect with the feminine energy of our collective mother and with all of our senses. The Ayahuasqero shaman will guide us through cleansings and reawakening rites of passage into the depths of our being where journeying will be not just seen, but experienced first-hand. You are now invited to the other line of the Incas who didn’t flee the Spanish Conquistadors up into the mountains. We invite you to follow the footsteps of those who entered the jungle and they’ll share their most authentic and holiest tradition of herbal medicine, mystique and enlightenment.

Now you have the unique opportunity to meet a master of plant medicine who is safeguarding the shamanic traditions of her ancestor’s lineage of herbalists and shamans. Those who have lived in communion within the green lands of the great mother. They will travel to Ollantaytambo and the Illiari Chaska centre to guide us through 6 days of profound ceremony.

Reconnect with the truth of what’s your souls next step on the journey. Be able to talk to the depths of your own soul and be guided to hear the message of spirit. Allow what haven’t been seen to unfold and let the filters of reality fall aside as you cross the vail of the spiritrealm.

Welcome to be touched and healed by the mythic realm of the universe. Travel through your being, through time and space in a way that your inner being hasn’t been touched before. Meet the next step and guidance of your spiritual development. Come and meet one of mother earth greatest gifts in first hand.
Take a giant leap into who you were born to become, be nudged into becoming your destiny.


Join us for a journey

of a lifetime!



The first option if this is is your continued Peru trip with us.

06.06.2024: DAY SEVENTEEN

After a good breakfast at the hotel, maybe some people in your group will go home to their home country. You can just relax and have a rest day in Cusco to prepare for another week of shamanic initiations. In the afternoon at 17.00 you go with Victor and Carina from Cusco to Ollantaytambo and Illiari Chaska Lodge. Since you participated in the first part of the trip, we have a surprise for you. We offer this day between the trip and the retreat. The night at Karina’s center is included for you. You will be guided to your room and have a nice quiet evening here.

Meals: Breakfast at the hotel is included, not lunch and dinner
Transport to Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included

Second option if you start your trip with us at this retreat.

05.06.2023: ARRIVAL IN LIMA

After arriving in Lima, the journey continues with a final flight to Cusco where you land in the evening. Here, Karina can help you book a nice hotel where the rest of the group is staying (in central Cusco) for only $60. On the 6th you have a free day in Cusco to acclimatize and rest. We then leave Cusco together at 17:00 to go to Carina’s wonderful center just outside the village of Ollantaytambo. Close to nature in a fantastic valley, we stop by the river and listen to the water flowing past us. This water comes from the sacred mountain Apu Whalkay Whilka/Veronica; The Mountain of Holy Tears. If you arrive in Lima on the 5th and need to stay in a hotel for one night, you can easily find the airport hotel ”Costa Del Sol”. A wonderful hotel where you can spend a night without leaving the airport.

Hotel: Anahuarque Hotel in Cusco on June 5: Not included
Meals: Not included
Flights: International flights (domestic to Lima, Peru): Not included
Flight: Lima to Cusco: Not included
Transport to Illiari Chaska Lodge on June 6th: Included
Hotel: Iliari Chaska Lodge on June 6: Not included

07.06.2024: DAY ONE

Welcome to a magical place. Here we will spend six days of deep and beautiful personal and spiritual development. A journey of self-realization is just around the corner. A journey where you are held by the beautiful mountains in the valley and the clear waters of the river. Water coming from the highly vibrating glaciers of the sacred mountain Apu Whalkay Whilka/Apu Veronica. She is the protector of the crystal city of Machu Picchu and is called the mountain of sacred tears. She will hold you through an inner journey, through layers of truth and awareness. Illiari Chaska Lodge is a natural garden where we experience in presence the paradise that we never left. Here we will spend six magical days held by sacred mountains and two lineages of different shamans who gather for healing and ceremony. Here we will come into contact with an ancient herbal medicine, plant medicine that Ayahuasqeros from the jungle brought to us. We will work with this sacred feminine medicine, connecting with the power of our collective mother with all our senses. Q’ero Paqos join our side through healing and ceremony – the masters of the living energy. They are our pillars of healing, support and grounding in the days ahead. They prepare various healing purification ceremonies for us as a group. They gently guide us through our powerful insights, healing and closure. In the afternoon we meet at the temple to create an opening ceremony followed by a sharing so that together we create an Ayllu: a family or ”community” together. You will receive a cleansing to release things that are holding you back from fully stepping into this powerful experience.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Included (all inclusive).
Ceremony and teaching with Ayahuasqero and Paqos: Included Transport and guides: Included

08.06.2024: DAY TWO

During the morning you will have plenty of rest before breakfast and a sharing session to connect with our newfound friends. During the day we will connect with the shamans who will guide us through the steps of the upcoming ceremonies that now await us. We will be guided by stories, sounds and meditations to connect with the purity of our soul, Pachamama (mother earth) and nature’s plant medicine. In the afternoon we will be guided through our first jungle, plant medicine ceremony. This will continue for the next 5-8 hours before we rest and digest/integrate our experience.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Included (all inclusive)
Ceremony and teaching with Ayahuasqero and Paqos: Included
Guides and translators: Included

09.06.2024: DAY THREE

After our first ceremony, we will start the day either with breakfast or at lunch. We will create a ceremonial sharing about your experience from last night’s plant medicine session. Later that day you will have a personal coaching session with our Shaman mentors who will take you on a journey through guidance and clarity. They will explain, listen and give us clarity on what happened to us yesterday while we were floating high in the spirit of the universe. Tonight you will dive into your second ceremonial opportunity with the mother plant depending on your feeling since yesterday. Either you open up to a new experience with the Shaman and the group, or you continue to rest and integrate yesterday’s deep experience. Once again, you can meet the mother herb that helps you through your deep processes to create clarity and vision in your path.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Included (all inclusive).
Ceremony and teaching with Ayahuasqero and Paqos: Included
Guides and translators: Included

10.06.2024: DAY FOUR

After our second ceremony, we will start the day either with breakfast or at lunch. We will create a ceremonial sharing about the experience from last night’s plant medicine session. Later that day, our Shaman mentors take us on a personal journey of guidance. They will explain, listen and give us clarity on what happened to us yesterday during our second experience. Tonight you will dive into the final ceremony depending on your feeling since yesterday. Either you open up to a new experience with the shaman and the group, or you continue to rest and integrate yesterday’s deep experience. Once again, you can meet the mother plant that helps you through your deep processes to create clarity and vision in your path.

Hotel: Illiari Chaska Lodge: Included
Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Included (all inclusive)
Ceremony and teaching with Ayahuasqero and Paqos: Included
Guides and translators: Included

11.06.2024: DAY FIVE

This is a rest day in the center to filter your process, meet the group for a sharing, followed by a personal coaching conversation with our Shaman Lordes. Today we help each other understand and integrate the gifts of these days of life-changing ceremony. Today you will also have the opportunity to book personal healing sessions, readings and initiations with the Shamans/Paqos if you wish. It is beautiful to bring all your insights to a place where your shaman holds you in a sacred space. To integrate the new ”life map of insights” and at the same time be held while letting go of the things that are not in service to you. In the evening we will travel to Cusco for a final night at our hotel. Here we will share our soulful moments from those days during a closing dinner to celebrate the completion of our transformative journey together at Illiari Chaska Lodge. A tribute to the new place that the whole journey has created within us. There is no goodbye, Tupananchiskama, until we meet again, as the paqos always say.

Hotel: Anahuarque Hotel Cusco: Included
Meals: Breakfast & lunch included. Dinner in Cusco not included
Ceremony and teaching with Ayahuasqeros and Paqos: Included
Guides and translators: Included
Personal healings, initiations, readings with Paqos: Not included

12.06.2024: DAY SIX

Today, if you have not made arrangements to stay extra days in Cusco or elsewhere in Peru – you will be assisted in arranging personal transportation to take you to the airport for your return flight to Lima. In Lima you connect with your flight back to your home country.

Hotel: Morning at Anahuarque Hotel Cusco: Included
Meals: Breakfast included, lunch and dinner not included
Transport and guides: Not included

You can work with Paqo’s on days off. You can book a coca reading, a healing session, initiation or something else. This will be held at Illiari Chaska lodge.

Healing: $120
Healing & Reading: $210
Reading: $120
Initiation: $210


• Hotel (double room), including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Add $200 if you want a single room or $360 if you want a room with a jacuzzi.
• Private transport/bus to Illiari Chaska Center and to Cusco on June 11th.
• Tour leaders, guides and translators.
• Meals (all inclusive: breakfast, lunch and dinner) except dinner on the last day.
• All ceremonies and teachings with Ayahuasqero Shaman and Paqo mystics, throughout the retreat.
• Our own doctor close at hand at the centre.


• Flights from your home country to Lima and from Lima to your home country.
• Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
• Additional meals (lunch, dinner), as above.
• Supplement in SGL room $200 USD extra or $360 if you want a room with a jacuzzi.
• Individual healings or initiations with paqos (on request).
• Flashlights.
• Travel insurance (including health insurance).
• Swimsuit.
• Vaccinations (if you want or are recommended to).
• Money to tip (many peruvians live on tip so everyone goes out of their way to make your stay a magical and comfortable experience – against any tip collected at the end of the trip)


• Victor Forselius (Sweden) – Contact: Hello@Qeromedicine.com
• Paqos from the Q’ero villages.
• Karina Davalos Concha (Peru) Spiritofthecondor@hotmail.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts), Victor, Karina and Paqo´s.

Total cost FOR the retreat: $2100 USD

A deposit of $900 secures your space (non-refundable). Registration deadline: May 30, 2024. If you register, you will receive a form with all the exact information on how to pay and more information on the practicalities of your stay in Peru.

Tip: You can also visit a travel agency and let them help you book your ticket directly from the place you’re coming from to where you’re going. (e.g. Stockholm-Cuzco and back). For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: Hello@qeromedicine.com / www.Qeromedicine.com

Please note

* Although the journey is carefully anchored in an energetic ”template” as well as in detailed practical advance planning, this itinerary remains ”moldable to reality.” It is the nature of pilgrimage and apprenticeship that some things can change at the last minute. In our experience, the few changes that occurred on our previous trips often opened the door to unforeseen (and usually wonderful) opportunities. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and willingness to adapt, to take advantage of the ever-changing opportunities available in a fluid shamanic universe!
* For the individual healing or initiation sessions with paqos, make a reservation during the trip with Victor while in Peru. All of you will be able to work personally with the Shamans.
* If you want to arrive earlier or stay longer please let us know in time. Karina can make extra reservations at the hotel you choose.
** It is not allowed to drink alcohol during the ceremony days and initiations, only at your free time! This is for your own and the group’s safety.
** We live and indeed have lived in transformative times. Covid19 has shaken the world and we are grateful that the restrictions are gone. Peru has been greatly affected by this period. Vaccinated or not, you are most welcome to join us on this journey through the magical landscape of the Andes. You do not need to be vaccinated to come with us to the homeland of the tradition – Peru.

useful websites

KLM Airlines – Flights from your home country to Lima & Lima to your home country.
Latam Airlines – Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
Avianca Airlines – Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
Lima Airport Hotel – Lima Airport Hotel.
Google Maps – Useful for mapping out your trip.

For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts)
Victor, Karina and Paqo’s.

Inget evenemang hittades!