Heliga resor till Peru

Res till självaste källan av traditionen på ditt livs resa till heliga Anderna, Q´ero nationen och paqosarnas hem. Vi välkomnar dig!




Scroll down for our jungle medicine retreat

För information & Resplan på svenska

För djungelmedicin retreatet

We are honored to invite you to a journey beyond words through the Inca shamanic tradition of wisdom, healing and profound personal development. Travel through the majestic canyons and meet the Andean Condor, step into ceremony in the sacred valley and the cradle of the Inca nation. Travel to the sacred temples, the dreamlike landscapes of the Q’ero nation to heal the past and to connect with the gifts of your becoming. Experience first hand the heart of the andes and live with the indigenous people of myth and legend in their villages for one week.


You will have plenty of Swedish friends to talk to but please note that the journey will be in English.


Through the mists and sacred landscapes of an ancient culture, the Q’ero Inca shamans (ie. paqos) will introduce and guide you through a healing journey of a lifetime.
Walk in apprenticeship alongside powerful medicine men and women to some of the most authentic and holiest temples in the mountains of the Andes. The Q’ero will share their most sacred traditions of healing and ceremony with you. Traditions that have been passed down through the generations of the Inca medicine people for over 5.000 years.

You now have the unique opportunity to train with the Paqo’s one on one in communion and in ceremony at the top of the world.

An Ancient people and sacred teachings hidden beyond the mountains

After the fall of the Inca empire more than 500 years ago there was a group of Inca people that fled into the mountains of the Andes to safeguard their ancient tradition of wisdom, healing and ceremony. They were isolated at 5000 meters high for 500 years and became the myth of native Incan descendants that disappeared during the siege of the Inca Empire by Spanish conquistadors.
Around 30 years ago these people, named Q’ero, listened to their ancient prophecies of the changes in the earth and the changes of growth within the western people. For the first time in 500 years they started to walk down from the mountains to be in service for their people in the cities and for the world once again.

Now you have the unique opportunity to follow us on a journey throughout the dreamlike landscapes of Peru. Follow us on a journey up to these remote villages of myth and legend. Meet the simplicity and purity of the indigenous people of the Andes. Partake in their way of living in sacred reciprocity with the universe and mother earth as my native friends and families welcomes us into their community. At this sacred place we partake in their ancient prophecies that have been withheld from the modern world since the fall of their ancient society.

Get a life changing experience connecting with places of beauty, power and sacred wisdom. Powerfully re-connect with Mother Earth as you travel ancient tamples of the Inca empire, the native people and sacred sights. Find yourself in the cradle of the lost empire and the sacred valley. Embark upon a spectacular and beyond imagination voyage through some of the most beautiful sights of Peru.

To get your itinerary in English please contact us at hello@qeromedicine.com

Join us for a journey of a lifetime!

You can also continue your journey with our jungle medicine retreat june 7 – 12 or just join us for that. Please contact us for more info in English at hello@qeromedicine.com

För information & Resplan på svenska

För djungelmedicin retreatet

You can work with Paqo’s on days off. You can have a coca reading, a healing session, initiation or something else. This can be at the hotel or going to a beautiful holy place. For this you will have plenty of time to talk with Victor and Karina during the trip.

Healing: $120
Healing & Reading: $210
Reading: $120
Initiation: $210

THIS is INCLUDED in this sacred journey:

• Hotel (double room), including breakfast (add $750 USD for a single room).
• Camping equipment: mattress and tent.
• All entrance fees to the sacred sites we visit from the program above.
• Private transport / bus / train tickets to Machu Picchu.
• Tour leaders, guides & translators.
• Meals (as described in the itinerary).
• Ceremonies with two Paqos, throughout the trip (depending on the number of participants).
• Food and accommodation for the journey in the mountains.
• (Emergency) oxygen tank for the trip in the mountains.
• Our own doctor during our trip in the mountains.
• Healing ceremonies and initiations (as described in the itinerary).
• Lectures and wisdom shared during the journey.
• Horses and horsemen to carry all camping equipment.


• Flights from your home country to Lima and from Lima to your home country.
• Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Arequipa & Cusco to Lima).
• Personal horse during our mountain trip (4 days) $40 per day.
• Additional meals (lunch, dinner), as above.
• Supplement in a single room: $750 USD extra.
• Individual healings or initiations with paqos (on request).
• Flashlights.
• Travel insurance (including health insurance).
• Swimwear.
• Vaccinations (if you want or are advised to take them).
• Sleeping bag.
• Money to tip. Many peruvians live on getting tip so everyone goes out of their way to make your stay a magical and comfortable experience. In the past this has been collected at the end of the trip but THIS TIME: Bring $440 dollars extra for tip an give to Karina in the first few days: this includes tip for bus and boat drivers, local guides, tour guides, hotel receptionists, porters, sacred sights and their guards, etc. – giving tip for that kind of service is common in Peru and for the first time we’re doing it for you. However, remember if you do your own thing on your days off that, as explained, it is common to tip here and something many people live on.


• Victor Forselius (Sweden) – Contact: Hello@Qeromedicine.com
• Paqos from the Q’ero villages.
• Karina Davalos Concha (Peru) Spiritofthecondor@hotmail.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts), Victor, Karina and the Paqo´s.

Total cost of the trip: $ 4440 USD

A deposit of $ 2000 dollars guarantees your spot (non-refundable). Registration deadline: May 1 2025. When you register, you will receive a form with all the exact information on how to pay and more information on the practicalities of your stay in Peru.

Tip: You can also visit a travel agency and let them help you book your ticket directly from the place you’re coming from to where you’re going. (e.g. Stockholm-Lima, Lima-Cuzco and Lima-Arequipa). We recommend that you book the ticket from your country to Lima as one ticket (eg KLM) and that you book domestic flights separately (eg Latam). If you book via KLM directly from Stockholm to Cusco (which is possible), you cannot make changes to your ticket later, if necessary. For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: Hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Please note

* Although the journey is carefully anchored in an energetic ”template” as well as in detailed practical advance planning, this itinerary remains ”moldable to reality.” It is the nature of pilgrimage and apprenticeship that some things can change at the last minute. In our experience, the few changes that occurred on our previous trips often opened the door to unforeseen (and usually wonderful) opportunities. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and willingness to adapt, to take advantage of the ever-changing opportunities available in a fluid shamanic universe!
* For the individual healing or initiation sessions with paqos, make a reservation during the trip with Victor while in Peru. All of you will be able to work personally with the shamans.
* If you want to arrive earlier or stay longer please let us know in time. Karina can make extra reservations at the hotel you choose.
** It is not allowed to drink alcohol during the ceremony days and initiations, only on your free time! This is for your own and the group’s safety.
** We live and indeed have lived in transformative times. Covid19 shook the world and we are grateful that the restrictions are gone. Peru has been greatly affected by this. Vaccinated or not, you are most welcome to join us on this journey through the magical landscape of the Andes. You do not need to be vaccinated to come with us to the homeland of the tradition – Peru.

useful websites

KLM Airlines – Flyg från ditt hemland till Lima & Lima till hemlandet.
Latam Airlines – Inrikesflyg inom Peru (Lima till Cusco; Cusco till Lima)
Avianca Airlines – Inrikesflyg inom Peru (Lima till Cusco; Cusco till Lima)
Lima Airport Hotel – Lima Airport Hotel.
Google Maps – Användbart för att kartlägga din resa.

For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts)
Victor, Karina and Paqo’s.

Inget evenemang hittades!
Inget evenemang hittades!




option 1

There are two options to participate in this jungle medicine trip and retreat. This can be an extra trip added to the program after you have followed Victor’s journey through the Andes Mountains, Lake Titicaca, The Sacred Valley with the indigenous Q’eros. If so, you will go to Illiari Chaska Lodge with Victor Forselius from Cusco with the rest of the group on June 6th at 5 pm.

option 2

The second option is if you have not participated in the trip. In this case, you plan to arrive in Lima on June 5th and then arrive in Cusco in the evening. Here, Karina can help you book a nice hotel where the rest of the group is staying (in central Cusco) for only $ 60. On the 6th you have a free day in Cusco to acclimatize and rest. We then leave Cusco together at 5 pm to go to Carina’s wonderful center just outside the village of Ollantaytambo. Close to nature in a fantastic valley, we stop by the river and listen to the water flowing past us. This water comes from the sacred mountain Apu Whalkay Whilka/Veronica; The Mountain of Holy Tears.

We are honoured to invite you to a magical journey through the wisdom of another lineage of medicine women and men who fled the seage of the empire. Another family of this tradition who found their rest in the deep rainforests of the Amazon. Allow the knowledge of how to travel through the worlds and your inner dimensions to expand beyond visions of reality. Allow your souls eye and sensitivity in contact with the invisible dimensions of spirit to become a first-hand experience. Be able to experience a world of magic without the filters of reality.


You will have plenty of Swedish friends to talk to but please note that the journey will be in English.


Through the beautiful landscapes at the foothills of the sacred mountain Whalkaywhilka, the Ayahuasqeros (ie. Jungle shamans) will introduce and guide you through a healing journey in between the worlds.
Carina Davalos Concha have created a sacred paradise, an Eden for native people and ancient ceremony. The Illiari Chaska Wasi center is the house of Mercury. A very sacred star of illumination and new beginnings for the native people of the Andes. Held by the sacred waters of the snow caped mountain Veronica we will walk through the gardens of Eden, the paradise that we never left. Through jungle medicine we will connect with the feminine energy of our collective mother and with all of our senses. The Ayahuasqero shaman will guide us through cleansings and reawakening rites of passage into the depths of our being where journeying will be not just seen, but experienced first-hand. You are now invited to the other line of the Incas who didn’t flee the Spanish Conquistadors up into the mountains. We invite you to follow the footsteps of those who entered the jungle and they’ll share their most authentic and holiest tradition of herbal medicine, mystique and enlightenment.

Now you have the unique opportunity to meet a master of plant medicine who is safeguarding the shamanic traditions of her ancestor’s lineage of herbalists and shamans. Those who have lived in communion within the green lands of the great mother. They will travel to Ollantaytambo and the Illiari Chaska centre to guide us through 6 days of profound ceremony.

Reconnect with the truth of what’s your souls next step on the journey. Be able to talk to the depths of your own soul and be guided to hear the message of spirit. Allow what haven’t been seen to unfold and let the filters of reality fall aside as you cross the vail of the spiritrealm.

Welcome to be touched and healed by the mythic realm of the universe. Travel through your being, through time and space in a way that your inner being hasn’t been touched before. Meet the next step and guidance of your spiritual development. Come and meet one of mother earth greatest gifts in first hand.
Take a giant leap into who you were born to become, be nudged into becoming your destiny.


Join us for a journey

of a lifetime!


You can work with Paqo’s on days off. You can book a coca reading, a healing session, initiation or something else. This will be held at Illiari Chaska lodge.

Healing: $120
Healing & Reading: $210
Reading: $120
Initiation: $210


• Hotel (double room), including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Add $200 if you want a single room or $360 if you want a room with a jacuzzi.
• Private transport/bus to Illiari Chaska Center and to Cusco on June 11th.
• Tour leaders, guides and translators.
• Meals (all inclusive: breakfast, lunch and dinner) except dinner on the last day.
• All ceremonies and teachings with Ayahuasqero Shaman and Paqo mystics, throughout the retreat.
• Our own doctor close at hand at the centre.


• Flights from your home country to Lima and from Lima to your home country.
• Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
• Additional meals (lunch, dinner), as above.
• Supplement in SGL room $200 USD extra or $360 if you want a room with a jacuzzi.
• Individual healings or initiations with paqos (on request).
• Flashlights.
• Travel insurance (including health insurance).
• Swimsuit.
• Vaccinations (if you want or are recommended to).
• Money to tip (many peruvians live on tip so everyone goes out of their way to make your stay a magical and comfortable experience – against any tip collected at the end of the trip)


• Victor Forselius (Sweden) – Contact: Hello@Qeromedicine.com
• Paqos from the Q’ero villages.
• Karina Davalos Concha (Peru) Spiritofthecondor@hotmail.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts), Victor, Karina and Paqo´s.

Total cost FOR the retreat: $2100 USD

A deposit of $900 secures your space (non-refundable). Registration deadline: May 30, 2025. If you register, you will receive a form with all the exact information on how to pay and more information on the practicalities of your stay in Peru.

Tip: You can also visit a travel agency and let them help you book your ticket directly from the place you’re coming from to where you’re going. (e.g. Stockholm-Cuzco and back). For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: Hello@qeromedicine.com / www.Qeromedicine.com

Please note

* Although the journey is carefully anchored in an energetic ”template” as well as in detailed practical advance planning, this itinerary remains ”moldable to reality.” It is the nature of pilgrimage and apprenticeship that some things can change at the last minute. In our experience, the few changes that occurred on our previous trips often opened the door to unforeseen (and usually wonderful) opportunities. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and willingness to adapt, to take advantage of the ever-changing opportunities available in a fluid shamanic universe!
* For the individual healing or initiation sessions with paqos, make a reservation during the trip with Victor while in Peru. All of you will be able to work personally with the Shamans.
* If you want to arrive earlier or stay longer please let us know in time. Karina can make extra reservations at the hotel you choose.
** It is not allowed to drink alcohol during the ceremony days and initiations, only at your free time! This is for your own and the group’s safety.
** We live and indeed have lived in transformative times. Covid19 has shaken the world and we are grateful that the restrictions are gone. Peru has been greatly affected by this period. Vaccinated or not, you are most welcome to join us on this journey through the magical landscape of the Andes. You do not need to be vaccinated to come with us to the homeland of the tradition – Peru.

useful websites

KLM Airlines – Flights from your home country to Lima & Lima to your home country.
Latam Airlines – Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
Avianca Airlines – Domestic flights within Peru (Lima to Cusco; Cusco to Lima)
Lima Airport Hotel – Lima Airport Hotel.
Google Maps – Useful for mapping out your trip.

For registration and/or questions please email: Victor Forselius: hello@qeromedicine.com / www.qeromedicine.com

Tukuy Sonqoymanta (with all our hearts)
Victor, Karina and Paqo’s.

Inget evenemang hittades!