Shamanic training of Q’ero Medicine
The Path of the Heart

The Q’ero shamans (i.e Paqos) are known as some of the most powerful healers on the planet.
During this training, they will be your 1st hand teachers, guiding you through a life transforming journey. They will support and guide you as you open your heart and dive deep into the path of Andean shamanism. The Inca descendants will teach you the fundamental practice of energy medicine and their ancient traditions of healing and ceremony. You will receive the tools which brings your heart, mind and soul together.
Together with the Q´ero Paqos, Victor and Carina will guide you through the mythic map of how the ancestors of these people were taught and maintained this energy medicine in the Andean mountains, isolated from the world.
It´s with honour and gratitude that we invite you to participate in this profound and authentic training. It’s an amazing and truly unique experience to walk alongside these masters of the living energy as they help you to open and align your three main power centres. The power and frequency of these centres tells you about your own sacred path on Earth during this lifetime and how to fulfil your destiny.
Come and reclaim your highest potential and bring the gifts of your soul into reality.

1st year: The Path of the Heart
1st & 2nd part / class
The first step of the shaman is to access the core vibrations within your heart and to find your own heart’s calling in life. This is a year of diving deep into the Q´ero shamans cosmological vision and tradition to explore the path of love. Dive deep into the serpent energy of understanding and cleansing the past, to prepare a journey of expanding your Munay: the deepest vibration of your heart! Learn the fundamental universal principle of Ayni: of how the universe actively mirrors and answer your inner being. To care take of the fundamental spirits of our planet and through the Munanaquy, the power of love through action. Learn about this sacred bond of love which binds all of the universe together in a living, pulling and sacred play of reciprocity. Learn how to connect, work and live in Ayni with fundamental spirits of the tradition; the Earth, the Water and the spirit of the Mountains.
Start to build and collect the gifts of your own medicine represented by the medicine bundle, the Mesa. See how your personal altar starts to reassemble itself as you grow and explore Don Juan and Don Angelinos stories reconnecting with the ancient altars of their ancestors.
As you bring flow into your heart centre you also recreate a foundation of coming home within your being. As you become true to yourself, you also bring flow into the process and understanding of what’s calling and guiding your heart in life. Receive the tools to reconnect with a huge life support of living energy as well as ancient ceremonies to awaken a new consciousness into being.
2nd year: The Path of Wisdom
3rd & 4th part / class
This is the year of lifting the mist of your vision into clarity. Take your next step through a profound journey and this time, the path of learning. As the heart is more open its time to access the guidance and voice of your soul. The second power centre is called: Yachay which means ’clarity’, ’wisdom’ and ’learning’. The Q´ero shamans will help you through ceremony to open the centre of vision through your third eye. The eye of your soul who has been there guiding you since your birth. Learn how to activate your purest sense of envisioning the future from a healed place within your being.
Allow the mist which cloud your path to unfold and make space to receive the wisdom and the humility of your soul. Be guided from a place beyond the mind, through meditation and ceremony into the mythical realm of the shaman. The Q´ero shamans will share how to read the signs of destiny with you and help you to lift the shroud between the worlds. Observe your inner and outer world from a place of divine consciousness and see the world as never before.
3rd year: The Path of the Soul
5th & 6th part / class
As the last year of the training unfolds we dive into the mastery of energy medicine and the path of sacred work. You have been prepared for this year since the beginning of your training. It’s time to explore your third power centre; Llankay which means ’action’ or ’sacred work’. This is the centre of sacred manifestation and it’s the largest centre of the body, located within your belly.
After awakening a deeper connection with love and clarity, it’s now time to explore your soul’s path on Earth and how to consciously manifest the life of your dreams! Awaken the power of creation within and learn some of the Q´ero shamans most powerful tools to shift and bend the world of living energy. Integrate the wisdom of a deep healing journey from these two years and bring the medicine together within your conscious being. Awaken and learn how to manifest from a place where your heart, mind and soul meld together into one. The time is now; feel, envision and co-create your destiny!

Masterclasses: a being of Sacred Reciprocity
Coming in 2025
After you have finished the whole 3 year training we will offer you a masterclass to fully grow your skills and deepen your connection to your sacred path through life. A class where all the 6 trainings melt together into one. This class is optional and still in a dream state of manifestation. It’s a follow up for all of you who want it.
We are honoured to Invite you join this training led by the Q´ero shaman’s teachings, wisdom, healing and authentic way of being. Welcome!
Tuku Sonqoymanta ”From the deepest vibrations of our hearts”
The Paqo’s Karina Davalos Concha and Victor Forselius.